пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

army jeep sale used

Ha. Another post in less than nearly six months time. Admittedly, for one of them meme-quiz-y sorts of things, I suppose. But I saw this and figured, with how things are going, may as well point out there are good with bad.

Post 10 things that are going right in your life right now. I donapos;t care how small. Youapos;re happy with your cup of coffee. You saw a flock of geese flying over. ANYTHING. Things that make you happy. Things that make you smile. No pressure. No need for keeping them in order.

1. Iapos;m recovering from surgery in an apparently dandy fashion. I keep forgetting that Iapos;m not supposed to do a lot of things, even so. And friends keep helping me out and checking up on me. Kick ass.
2. My awesome Pandora station based off "Carry On my Wayward Son" by Kansas...awesome, I say
3. We finally got to see apos;Dark Knightapos;--and we managed to do it the last week it was in theaters, even Only slightly cutting it close. Loved Heath Ledger as the Joker, stupid overdose.
4. Slightly drunken serenading for hours before/at dawn, with the music blasting and singing at the top of oneapos;s lungs.
5. Good company.
6. Iapos;ve been reading lots of good books lately. If you like fantasy with a little bit more meat (and mostly not so much with the "high" but more with the "low"), I suggest you check out these three books: Mistborn, The Name of the Wind, and The Lies of Locke Lamora. And Iapos;ve got time to check out some more, so...suggestions?
7. Ben has a job Now, if only I can follow suit...^_^
8. My fuzzy slippers...mm, fuzzy.
9. My family and Cory. Honestly, I donapos;t think I could ask for better people in my life.
10. Coldplay concert in November Holy smokes Loves the Coldplay.
(Now, to convince Ben to come to this one, too...)

From Cory:
1. House renovations
2. Fapos;norapos;s (Coryapos;s diabetic cat) health seems to be good
3. Laura is recovering from surgery nicely
4. Business school (and keggers?)
5. Thrashers have started with a good start (and, by the way, itapos;s hockey season again)
6. A good friend gets to keep his license and not go to jail
7. Completion of preemptive strike on paperwork (for work)
8. Clean socks and underwear--in the drawer, where they belong no less.
9. My car is happy that itapos;s autumn--cold air intake = vroom vroom in cooler weather
10. I have a Laura

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