суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

druck jenna

During uncertain times like these, we have both found something of great value in meditating on a regular basis. When you quiet your mind and go within, you find that the answer to feelings of fear are in focusing instead on the gratitude you feel for those things you still have to be grateful for.

The more you focus on what you are grateful for, the happier you feel, and it is this happiness that leads to enthusiasm and confidence which lead to prosperity. With this in mind, resolve to begin each day as the Native American shaman teach, with thanks to the creator for your life and for each day.

The best way to do this is to remember that many of the great teachers have always said, that the past is gone and the future does exist yet. It is only in the present moment that we find the joy of life. As Seth/Jane Roberts has said "The present is the point of power. There is no finished past or preordained future."

So the present moment is where we find both happiness as well as the power to create the future we desire. If we can spend the present free of fear and filled with gratitude, we are then in our most resourceful place to create what we need.

In the last month we have continued to work on our next release, Sound Peace which is the second volume of our 25th Anniversary Collection that will be released in Feb. Listening to these soothing and healing songs has been very welcome during this time and we hope that it will help to make everyone's lives a little more peaceful when they hear it also.

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